Monday 7 April 2014

Why diet fads will never help you lose weight.

We live in a fast paced world where we want everything instantly, unfortunately this is not attainable when it comes to weight loss. Everyday we are bombarded with adverts that promise weight loss practically over night and somehow a lot of us believe it. Whether it's a magic shake, pill, strange gym equipment, or vibrating muscle pads, the truth is none of these ''miracle" things work. 

I personally have tried most of them, even those disgusting weight loss shakes and all I have been left with is a bad taste in my mouth. Don't be fooled by the clever words or amazing before and after pictures, the diet industry just wants to make money and it seems to work because we fall for so many of their weight loss products. 

It's a tough pill to swallow but the only way to achieve sustainable weight loss, is to stick to a healthy eating plan and to exercise. There is no quick fix miracle and the sooner we realise this, the better off and the healthier we will be. Rather invest in healthy real food and while it may take longer to lose the weight, it will be easier to maintain. 

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Food trends for 2014!

Food trends for 2014 are slightly different to those of 2013, as consumers are increasingly becoming more health conscious. One of the major trends in terms of food for 2014 is replacing ‘unhealthy’ carbohydrates with fake, yet still delicious versions of them.The gluten and wheat free trend, remains a popular choice for many people. 

The top foods to be eaten this year are:

Ancient grains. They usually have weird names that are difficult to pronounce but these tasty grains are delicious and filling. Examples include: Quinoa and Chia. These are typically added to meals to replace refined carbohydrates such as white rice or pasta.

Cauliflower. This often tasteless vegetable has become immensely popular this year, thanks to its ability to be turned into rice, pizza bases and mash. Using cauliflower as a replacement for refined carbohydrates is simple and cheap.

Free range meats and chicken. Just as we are cutting back on gluten, we are also looking for free range options, particularly when it comes to meat and chicken.

A healthy lifestyle is the bench mark for 2014 and food retailers are definitely realising, that we need alternatives to the refined and processed foods we ate before. 

Tuesday 3 December 2013

How to beat the bulge this festive season.

I always find it ironic that people spend all of spring working out and eating healthily, in the effort to look decent in their swimming costume. However, as soon as December arrives it all goes downhill with the drinking every day, the abundance of mince pies, the full roasts and cream laden desserts. These  tempting treats all add up to  additional calories. The festive season usually means eating healthily no longer becomes a priority.

 Here are some useful tips to beat the bulge,especially  if you still want to fit into your skinny jeans come January:

Try and limit alcoholic drinks and drink water in between. Also know that creamy drinks like Eggnog are calorie laden, stick to clear spirits or wine spritzers.

Avoid eating too much fried food such as roast potatoes, instead fill up on salads and lean meats such as turkey and chicken. Limit Gravy and creamy sauces as they are high in calories and fat.

Try and work out in the morning as then you will feel more energised and set for the day to do things like your Christmas shopping. You will also be less likely to over indulge when you have had a good workout.

Happy holidays. Let’s make this a healthy one, so our New Year’s resolution doesn't have to be a new diet! 

Nature's candy will fill you up this Christmas!

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Diet vs. Exercise

I never used to like exercise it seemed boring to me. Why would you willingly work out for fun? It wasn't until I started training with a trainer, that I realised how addictive exercise becomes. That being said, although I was training hard my diet needed adjusting. I had always thought if you exercised enough, you could eat what you like.  I soon learnt that this was not true, I could not eat that large muffin and latte for breakfast or that large chicken mayo baguette for lunch and still lose weight. In the beginning I was disappointed, as I thought the whole point of exercise was to burn calories.

 I read somewhere that abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym. I am beginning to think this statement is very true. So I made the decision to get my diet back on track, this didn't mean eating just carrots and lettuce, it meant sticking to a healthy and manageable eating plan. When I first started with the new plan, I was angry and in denial that I could not eat whatever I felt like. I would see others eating things like chocolates and burgers for lunch, and I was livid that I too could not indulge in these things.

 A few days later I really thought about why I was so angry, it was not because I craved the junk food, instead I felt frustrated that there was no quick fix for weight loss.Fast forward to three weeks later and while I have a few cheats on the weekend, I feel healthier and more energetic. Diet also plays a large role in weight loss, our bodies need protein to help us burn off fat while exercising. So if you are on a weight loss campaign like me, just remember to take it one step at a time.  If you stick to a realistic eating plan that can be maintained, then the weight will gradually fall off. 

Monday 18 November 2013

The Fresh Fit Life!

Let’s be honest life is always hectic and  if you are anything like me, then a typical day will include: work, gym, eat and sleep. The problem with our fast paced lifestyles, is that we tend to forget to eat properly. We often snack because we feel hungry and stressed and end up eating unbalanced meals. 

This is how I found out about Fresh Fit, a company delivering fresh and healthy meals at good prices. I am often exhausted and finding the time to make proper meals for work is a challenge. Fresh fit offers a range of healthy meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can order online and there are even vegetarian options, if you have special dietary needs. 

The meals are freshly made and are nutritionally balanced, with the right amount of complex carbohydrates, proteins and nutrients. So if you’re tired of trying to plan healthy meals or getting that greasy take away then Fresh Fit is the answer. They even offer free delivery in the CBD area of Cape Town. Their orange and papaya crunch smoothie is definitely one of my favourites. 

Check out their website for meal plans, pricing etc.

Fresh Fit offers gourmet healthy food delivered to your home or work.