Tuesday 26 November 2013

Diet vs. Exercise

I never used to like exercise it seemed boring to me. Why would you willingly work out for fun? It wasn't until I started training with a trainer, that I realised how addictive exercise becomes. That being said, although I was training hard my diet needed adjusting. I had always thought if you exercised enough, you could eat what you like.  I soon learnt that this was not true, I could not eat that large muffin and latte for breakfast or that large chicken mayo baguette for lunch and still lose weight. In the beginning I was disappointed, as I thought the whole point of exercise was to burn calories.

 I read somewhere that abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym. I am beginning to think this statement is very true. So I made the decision to get my diet back on track, this didn't mean eating just carrots and lettuce, it meant sticking to a healthy and manageable eating plan. When I first started with the new plan, I was angry and in denial that I could not eat whatever I felt like. I would see others eating things like chocolates and burgers for lunch, and I was livid that I too could not indulge in these things.

 A few days later I really thought about why I was so angry, it was not because I craved the junk food, instead I felt frustrated that there was no quick fix for weight loss.Fast forward to three weeks later and while I have a few cheats on the weekend, I feel healthier and more energetic. Diet also plays a large role in weight loss, our bodies need protein to help us burn off fat while exercising. So if you are on a weight loss campaign like me, just remember to take it one step at a time.  If you stick to a realistic eating plan that can be maintained, then the weight will gradually fall off. 

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